Speed board - Most number of solved boards

Rank Player Boards Date
1 TASMAN 104 2014-10-29
2 Rinzler 42 2012-01-30
3 Maxster Ian 41 2013-12-25
4 Kacho 41 2014-01-14
5 BennyVH 40 2013-02-08
6 cuto 40 2014-11-06
7 ipepapi 39 2010-01-13
8 ComputerBot 38 2010-06-08
9 AlexanderMagnus 37 2009-02-09
10 haagibal 37 2019-03-18

Difficult board - Fastest times (12 moves)

Rank Player Time Date
1 antimatter 3.4 2005-09-03
2 1-Van=x.v 4.03 2005-10-05
3 Maxster Ian 4.08 2005-10-28
4 ztyx 4.33 2005-10-04
5 Kacho 4.4 2005-10-05

Difficult board - Fastest times (13 moves)

Rank Player Time Date
1 freewol 7.3 2005-10-16
2 1-Van=x.v 7.57 2005-08-05
3 Maxster Ian 7.9 2005-10-27
4 ztyx 8.53 2005-10-27
5 uvo 9 2005-10-17

Difficult board - Fastest times (14 moves)

Rank Player Time Date
1 Kacho 2.57 2014-07-13
2 Maxster Ian 2.68 2014-07-13
3 Flanker 2.72 2013-07-20
4 NeverClever 3.3 2014-06-29
5 alex85 3.57 2013-12-13

Difficult board - Fastest times (15 moves)

Rank Player Time Date
1 Maxster Ian 2.76 2010-02-11
2 Flanker 3.63 2016-12-05
3 Kacho 3.68 2013-09-04
4 ipepapi 3.78 2013-09-04
5 alex85 3.78 2016-07-17

Difficult board - Fastest times (16 moves)

Rank Player Time Date
1 Maxster Ian 3.97 2010-09-28
2 ztyx 4.61 2009-10-03
3 BennyVH 4.96 2012-05-09
4 Flanker 4.96 2015-08-07
5 Flanker 4.96 2016-04-19
6 antimatter 5.03 2009-10-03

Difficult board - Fastest times (17 moves)

Rank Player Time Date
1 haagibal 4.82 2022-05-12
2 Maxster Ian 4.96 2013-04-14
3 Flanker 5.05 2011-01-17
4 todor 5.31 2011-01-17
5 ipepapi 5.52 2011-01-17
6 ipepapi 5.52 2015-05-06

Speed board - Best average nr of boards

Rank Player Average boards Month
1 Rinzler 37.0 Feb 2013
2 Kacho 33.0 Nov 2023
3 cuto 32.5 Nov 2014
4 Maxster Ian 31.8 Jun 2015
5 ipepapi 31.0 Apr 2018
6 BennyVH 31.0 Jul 2020
7 haagibal 28.0 May 2021
8 ComputerBot 27.8 Dec 2010
9 AlexanderMagnus 27.5 Aug 2009
10 Flintstone 24.7 Jul 2007

Speed board - Highest total score

Rank Player Points Month
1 Maxster Ian 616 Jan 2017
2 haagibal 616 Dec 2020
3 nazonoX 611 Oct 2018
4 BennyVH 608 Oct 2017
5 ipepapi 601 Jul 2007
6 Kacho 593 Dec 2014
7 Rinzler 588 Aug 2013
8 alex85 566 Jul 2017
9 antimatter 558 Dec 2004
10 sheva 553 Oct 2018

Difficult board - Highest total score

Rank Player Points Month
1 nazonoX 574 Jul 2024
2 saishi 539 Aug 2024
3 ztyx 535 Dec 2020
4 BennyVH 507 Apr 2023
5 Kacho 491 Sep 2015
6 Flanker 490 Aug 2015
7 Ptiloo 490 Aug 2024
8 Zach 483 Aug 2024
9 rhobeau 476 Jul 2023
10 NeverClever 475 May 2024

Maximum number of players for one day

Game Nr players Date
Speed board 76 2006-03-14
Difficult board 67 2006-03-14